Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Power OF Twitter: Building your email List

A popular Twitter account is a way to reach customers, no matter the aim of your business. Tweet about news relevant to your business' industry or post updates regarding your business' products or services. The more Twitter followers you get, the more people you can potentially interest in your business. Build your email list via the Twitter platform and email news that won't fit within Twitter's limitations.
If the short character limit of Twitter is not a problem, you can create email lists comprised of your Twitter followers. Instead of having to solicit their email addresses, you can simply Tweet them via an exclusive list. For example, if you know that only some of your Twitter followers are interested in products for women, you don't have to Tweet all of your followers. Under the drop-down menu on the main page, select "Lists." Create a list, name the list and select which of your followers will be on the list.

Build Your Followers

A simple way to invite Twitter followers to enroll in your email list is to post the email list sign-up instructions in your Twitter profile. The more Twitter followers you get, the more potential email list subscribers you have on hand. Ask followers to retweet your posts and put hash tags relevant to your business in each post so that people interested in the subject are more likely to stumble upon your Twitter profile.

Provide Incentives

Once you have a number of Twitter followers, provide incentives for them to sign up for your email list. For example, Tweet a link for email list sign-up and offer a discount or a prize for a random follower who signs up for the email list within a certain time period for the first time. Tweet that if you get a certain number of email sign-ups within a certain time period, you will give out a free item or service to one lucky new member of the list.

Tweet About List

When not giving out a random lottery incentive for signing up, Tweet about the general benefits of your email list. For example, when you send out a discount code via your email list, Tweet about the exclusive email list discount offer. If your email list gets first notification of new inventory, Tweet about how your email list followers were the first to get a look at your new products. Remind your Twitter followers to sign up for these exclusive regular benefits.

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