Thursday, November 15, 2012

Using Twitter Drive Traffic to your Site

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms, especially with the younger crowd where it has in some cases replaced texting as a way to spread current information quickly.
For site owners, Twitter can have a lot of different uses. Twitter pages themselves can represent an individual, companies, brands, individual products, as well as pages for creative types, such as musicians, and so on. These pages can be configured and designed differently in a way to create an impact with their target market.
When it comes to driving traffic, in the advent of an all out assault by Google on internet marketers generally & link building specifically, one needs to branch out as much as possible and look for other types of traffic

It is no longer enough to link build in order to achieve a high ranking on organic search within Google and wait for the free organic traffic to arrive. This may work for you in the short term, but as the playfield keeps being changed with each successive Google update and as updates keep coming think and fast, there is no way to be certain that the organic rankings which are driving traffic to your site this week, will still exist and be doing so the next.
Twitter as a Promotional Platform

You must start thinking about Twitter as a promotional platform. The 140-character tweets are short, but when using an account in a clever way, one can maximize the benefits that may be derived from an account.
Help People When You Tweet
With tweeting, it is a good idea to tweet a few times a day, if possible. However, this does not mean that you need to have, or should have, many new things to say each day about your site or business. What do we mean by that?
It has been found that people like other people who share helpful information with them. This tends to make the receiver more open to all forms of communication from someone that has been helpful. It also creates a basic level of trust in their communications. Therefore, a Twitter account is usually a far more successful driver of traffic to a site if along with promotional content, other helpful hints and tips are tweeted. Think of it as the social media version of spreading the love and it works very effectively.

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