Friday, November 9, 2012

Make Money on Pinterest

make money on pinterest
Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social websites on the net and has the best buying demographic…Females (Just a joke). So why not jump on the train before it gets too full. I’m going to get straight to the point and show you how I make money and get traffic from Pinterist with just 1 account.

Create Boards

I’m not going to go through all of the basics like how to create an account. So I am going to start by going over what type of boards to create.
You are going to want to create 6 to 10 boards with one of them being your niche. The other boards are going to be popular subjects such as motivational, getting healthy, beautiful.
The reason for that is because a lot of people will be looking for them and because that’s where were going to repin popular pins and then other people will repin those pins which will give us more exposure and more people will follow us.

Who To Follow

There are a lot of marketers and bots on Pinterest so we want to not waste our time following them. This is a work in progress but what I found is to look for people that have a low number of followers and people they are following where they are both somewhat in proportion. So I would look for someone that has 30 to 200 people that are following them and they are following. That’s my ideal person to find. Once I find them, I follow them and then go to the list of people that they are following and follow them. In that list I look for more people that I would want to follow so that I can find the people they’re following and so on.
I started following like this because people follow their friends so I want to move that way not backwards towards people that are following them. Because anyone can follow anyone so a lot of the people that are following them can be bots. And if I do end up at a marketers profile, they’re going to want to follow real people, so it’s not bad to follow the people they’re following anyways.
So it’s win-win if I end up at a marketers page or not.

Start Getting Noticed

The next thing to do is to start liking and repinning other peoples pins. Search for something related to each of your boards and repin 10 to 20 of the pins. This will get you content be shown to other people. Then search again for things to go on another board and so on. What all this does is notifies the people you pinned and liked that you did that. So now they know you and if they like your boards will follow you.

How To Make Money

There are several ways to make money from Pinterest such as CPAs and Adsense but the way I like to make money is through Amazon. Since Pinterest started deleting your affiliate ID from an Amazon link the only way to get around it is sending traffic to a website and then sending them to Amazon.
This is how most gurus tell you to make money. They tell you to make a website, put some content with images on it.. And then pin the images to Pinterest and watch the traffic and money roll in. Now, I don’t have doubts that this works but I know that you need to create many accounts in order to get this done and make a lot of money.
That’s just not something that’s appealing to me. It seems like way too much work. So I’ve come up with a way to kill two birds with one stone. I do everything the gurus say by making an account on Pinterest and a website to post pictures on but I already have massive amounts of traffic available to me from where I create the website.

Join A Home Based Business And Start Making Money Today!

I also don’t like doing the same thing over and over again so I’ve created a way to automate my tasks for Free.
To find out all of this and to get the Free automation tools just sign up to The Lazy Newsletter and I’ll send this info to you right away.
I’m only doing this way so I can control the release on this information, so it doesn’t get over saturated.
Note: My strategies change often as Pinterest and times change, So this post might not be up to date. 


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